LAMBADA DAY is back! 💃🕺
We are happy to announce that we are bringing back our 'Lambada Day' again this year, and it will be even bigger than before! 💃🕺
Did you know that the Brazilian Zouk style that we love to dance so much, was based on and evolved from the spicy Lambada 🔥🔥, the 'forbidden' dance 😉 of the 80's & 90's?! The 2 dance styles may have travelled on separate paths for a while, however they are starting to merge back in a new and fun way.
So as many of you will have noticed, influences of Lambada movements are starting to take the Zouk world by storm again!
At BZF we love to bring new experiences and learning opportunities to our dancers, so for the last 2 years we have made sure to include some Lambada 'bootcamps' as part of our festival. Feature artists previously have included the amazing Ry'el & Jessica from NYC, as well as our own Bebe & Jessica running their 2Hr Lambada courses.
For BZF 2022, you can look forward to 2x FREE Lambada Immersion courses (2Hours each) on Friday, which take you through from the foundations of lambada and upwards! 🤩
Get Excited learn Luan & Adriana (From Brazil) as well as own Juliana & Rafael on the Friday 11th Nov at BZF. These courses are included in festival pass. 😁👌🥂👏
Brisbane Zouk Festival is going to be an unforgettable weekend of dancing with something for everyone. ❤